When you think of voice overs for animation, what comes to mind? Is it the road runner and the coyote? Is it an episode of the Simpsons? What if I told you that animation voice overs are so much more? Here are three different ways to think about voice overs for animation as a learning tool.
1. Explainer videos. In corporate America, keeping the learners attention is a must. One of the learning tricks used is animated videos. Animated videos help break down difficult concepts for learners. This is where voice over talent takes on the role of teacher.
2. Role play dialogue. Playing out scenarios such as interactions between teachers and students, parents and children or coaches and players can add a lightness to difficult conversations in the animated world. From a budget perspective, if you find the right voice, you could be paying one voice over actor instead of two to complete the project thereby speeding up timelines and production.
3. Scenario building. For some companies, creating a video with live, human actors is well beyond their financial reach. In animation, characters are anywhere in the world or any age. Voice over talent takes it to the next level, giving characters accents or age defining voices bringing the characters to life without having to find the right look too.
Animation is being more widely used in the learning environment everyday as a teaching tool. Don't miss the opportunity to create fun, memorable moments with our talented voice over artists.
Contact us today for more information on how you can get started.